You’ve never seen anything quite like this

Rapid phenotypic AST

The Selux Analyzer is the heart of the Selux NGP System delivering rapid phenotypic AST results in 6 hours. With an 86-panel capacity and continuous, random access, the Selux Analyzer delivers speed, high throughput, accuracy, and the most comprehensive bug / drug menus available.

The science of speed

A sample’s journey through the Selux Analyzer begins with incubation. Our divide-and-conquer strategy allows the sample to interact with the antibiotics for a minimum of 3-hours. Control wells are monitored and once sufficient growth is achieved, the sample is moved to the downstream Viability and Surface Area Assays.

86-panel capacity

The Selux Analyzer can run multiple samples at the same time. With its 86-panel capacity and random-access capabilities, the Selux Analyzer allows for high throughput, to strengthen the lab’s overall ability to deliver quick and accurate results for better patient care.

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Next generation AST technology

After sufficient growth is achieved, the panel is moved to our Viability Assay which determines the metabolic activity of the cumulative bacterial population in each well using bulk fluorescent markers. From there the panel moves to our Surface Area Assay, which differentiates between true resistance and shape shifting growth modes.

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Explore the Selux Analyzer

1 Fully automated with random access

With an 86-panel capacity and continuous, random access, the Selux Analyzer delivers fast, high throughput, and accurate results in under 6 hours. Simply place the carrier into the Analyzer from the Inoculator and it will take it from there.

2 86-panel capacity

A sample’s journey through the Selux Analyzer begins with incubation. Our divide-and-conquer strategy allows the sample to interact with the antibiotics for a minimum of 3-hours. Control wells are monitored, and once sufficient growth is achieved, the sample is moved to the downstream Viability and Surface Area endpoint assays.

3 Viability Assay

The next step is our proprietary Viability Assay. This assay determines the metabolic activity of the cumulative bacterial population in each well using a bulk fluorescent marker. Population measurements ensure accurate MICs by preventing sampling errors inherent to individual cell-based methods.

4 Surface Area Assay

From there the panel is moved to our second assay, our Surface Area Assay. Because susceptible bacteria change their size and shape in response to antibiotics the Selux Surface Area Assay differentiates between true resistance and shape shifting growth modes.

5 Shelf-stable reagents and simple waste management

The bulk reagent kit facilitates efficient reagent replacement and waste management. Reagent and waste capacity is monitored by the analyzer with replacement steps clearly communicated through the interface. All reagents can be stored at room temperature.

Learn more about Selux and our mission to outsmart bacteria.

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